Slimming World Chips and Roast Potatoes

I know I sound very Irish right now, but it's truly is a wonderful life when you are on a diet where can eat unlimited amounts of potatoes in all of their wonderful forms! Here are some simple free or low - syn recipes for some potato faves.

1. Slimming world chips

Where would we be without these. I make 3 varieties of slimming world chips, the main difference being how they are cut! For meals such as Burger and chips style "Fakeaways", ill do skinny cut chips out of a large rooster potato. For a classier dish, I'll cut baby potatoes into circular slices. Then for that comfort factor, I'll cut roosters into chunky home-style chips. For all three styles, I do the following:

  • Wash potatoes and peel if preferred. Cut into desired thickness.
  • Pat with kitchen roll to remove excess water (allows for crispiness)
  • Spray frylight all over the cut potatoes and shake around in the pan.
  • Bake for around an hour on 200 degree heat, turning the chips over and re-spraying about halfway through.

2. Slimming World Roasties

This isn't too far-fetched from the method used for chips, other than you need slightly more time to cook. Here is my system:

  • Wash potatoes and peel if preferred (I rather keep em skin on!) Cut each potato in half or quarters .
  • Pat with kitchen roll to remove excess water. 
  • Spray frylight all over the roasties and add any seasoning or herbs. Turn over the potatoes a few times through out the cooking for extra coverage.
  • Bake for around 50mins on 180 degree heat, turning the chips over and re-spraying with frylight about halfway through.




Any other tricks for the perfect slimming world chips? Comment below!