Slimming World Pancakes (Syn Free)

Yay for Pancake Tuesday! I am always glad of an excuse to eat a Simpsons-style stack of pancakes and this year will be no exception. There are a couple of recipes out there for slimming world pancakes, low syn or syn free pancakes but these are my favourites.

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Option 1: Syn Free Pancakes


Makes 2 pancakes

  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • Fry Light


1. Whisk egg and in a bowl until you see soft peaks forming.
2. Stir in vanilla essence and mix well
3. Spray a pan with frylight
4. Pour half the mixture into a frying pan and fry for about 3 mins each side.
5. Serve with a topping of your choice


Option 2: Syn Free Pancakes using Healthy Extra B


Makes 4 syn free pancakes

  • 35g porridge oats (organic are nicer in my opinion)
  • 1/2 muller light yoghurt (vanilla or banana custard are the job!)
  • 2 eggs
  • Frylight

1. Mix the porridge oats and frylight and leave in the fridge overnight. They need time to - quite literally - bond :)
2. The following day, whisk two eggs until you are seeing soft peaks forming. add to the oat mixture
3. Spray a pan with frylight, and pour about 1/2 of the mixture into the pan. Fry for 4-5 mins each side
4. Serve with speed foods


OPTION 3: "Tweak" Recipe - 2.5 syns per pancake

Makes 2 pancakes:

  • 1 banana
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 2 eggs
  • Frylight

1. Mash the banana (5 syns as it is mashed)
2. Whisk two eggs until you are seeing soft peaks forming. Add the banana and pinch of cinnamon to the egg mixture.
3. Spray a pan with frylight, and pour about 1/2 of the mixture into the pan. Fry for 1-2 mins each side. Repeat!

Potential Toppings:

I'm a big fan of Sweet Freedom Choc Shot Liquid Hot Chocolate and for just a 0.5 syn per teaspoon it is a no brainer for me.

You could also go for 100ml of Creamfields light dairy cream at - 2 1/2 syns
Or go for the classic Maple Syrup - 2 syns per tablespoon.

Speed Fruits are also essential!


I'm drooling in advance... Whichever way you choose to make your pancakes, enjoy thoroughly :) Emma x